Keeping your equipment on the job and functioning properly enables your business to stay productive and profitable. Most reputable products come with manufacturer's warranties to handle any mechanical issues during the coverage period. In many cases, you'll need to select an authorized dealer for the specific brand to perform the warranty repair work.

If you need warranty repairs for small engines Gil Automations can meet your needs. We've partnered with some of the top manufacturers to provide top-notch service to businesses like yours throughout the region, including:

  • Siemens
  • Honeywell
  • Wacker Neuson
  • CAT portable generators
  • Kohler Gas engines
  • Kohler diesel engines
  • Belden
  • Imi Norgen
  • Multiquip

What Does a Manufacturer's Warranty Cover?


In general, a manufacturer's warranty covers the cost of repairing or replacing engine parts that are defective in materials or workmanship. As an equipment owner, you'll have more peace of mind knowing that you can receive these components and services at no charge during the coverage period.

Most manufacturers have specific requirements regarding their warranty policy, including the need for an authorized dealer to do the work. A review of the owner's manual will provide more details about the protection for your product, including the length of the coverage period.

Your small-engine warranty won't cover the repair or replacement of parts subject to normal wear and tear, such as belts, bearings and filters. However, some manufacturers may offer separate 90-day protection plans for these items.

Why Choose Gil Automation for Your Warranty Repair Needs?

electric motor rewinding service

Whether you need a Siemens and Honeywell warranty repair or help with any of the other brands we serve, you can count on Gil Automation to do the job right the first time. Our team of expert technicians has extensive experience handling all types of repair projects involving drivetrains, and other essential engine parts and components.

By serving as your trusted partner, we enable you to worry less about the cost of equipment repairs and spend more time on what matters the most: running your business.



For more information or to schedule service, call us at  0809 393 0316 today. You can also reach out to us online by filling our contact form